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Wednesday 16 May 2012

thank you so much fariz .

finally kau xknl aku . xpe . aku terima . sumpah aku terima wlaupon benda tu sgt menyakitkan . terpulang kau nk tido dgn betina tu . jgn satu hari nty kau cari aku lagi sudah la ? jgn kau menyesal . aku bleh buat apa aku nk buat . sekejap je aku bleh buat relation korg berterabur . aku bukan dengki tp the way korg layan aku sgt membuat aku menjadi seorang pedendam . aku SUMPAH korg xkn bahagia . aku orang teraniaya . ALLAH akn dgr doa orang teraniaya . kau bleh pegi . lain kali jgn kau kejar aku . sbb kau bukan sape2 bg aku skrg . kt mate aku korg berdua sampah yang paling busuk pernah aku jumpe . belum kau kawen aku nk korg rase ape aku rase . sbb korg langsung xberhak lukakn hati aku . to YANA and FARIZ . korg x berhak jadi manusia . go hell . you guys deserve it . trust me my dear . sekarang aku jadi yang lebih kuat . FARIZ sumpah kau akan menyesal . alhamdulillahh . bukan lelaki penipu mcm kau jadi laki aku . kesian kau YANA . mmg padan sgt la tu . SI PENIPU dgn SI PENIPU . JODOH korg kot . mmg pdn sgt . sbb aku kurg gemar penipu2 nie . may allah bless you guys . aku xkn pernah mention lagi pasal korg . ni yang terakhir kali .

Tuesday 8 May 2012

rubbish !

you buat rasa sayang i macam sampah . you x berhak buat semua nie fariz . sikit pon you dont deserve it . youre nothing . you ingt semua nie permainan kan ? klau btul you sayang i . you bleh ckp dgn parents you . you bru 22 kot . xkn da nk kawen . xmasuk akal btul . macam pemikiran orang dulu tau x ? haissshh . zaman da modern kot . melainkan you mmg nk dgn pompuan tu . you membuang masa and duit i . pernah x you pk mcmne susah i time nk jumpe you . ade pnah you p . xkn ? you selfish ! sangat selfish . i menyesal knal you . klau dunia ni bleh di putar balik firstly yang i akan buat . tidak sama skali kenal you . you the worst thing i ever met . you ade masalah mental la i gak . hurmmm . be matured fariz . bukan jadi budak2 yang bodoh . paham ? you mengajar i lebih berhati2 lpas nie .

Tuesday 1 May 2012

confused !!!

xtau nk describe you nir mcmne . you baik . i sayang you . tp da nme bussines man nie . mesti busy je . outstation laa . meeting . client . hurmmm . skrg you pegi sabah . hurmmm . harap you cpt blek ayangg . i nk dating dgn sape klau you xde . xde orang nk kacau2 i . pegang tgn i sepanjang jalan . hurmmm . tp xpelaa . nk buat mcmne klau keje ayang mcm tu kan ? hurmmm . i akan pastikan you jadi milik i sorg . like i told you before . anything i can share . tp nk share you dgn orang lain i xnk . andainya satu hari nty kite berpisah . i akan serahkan you dkat org yang betul2 boleh memahami you . melebihi sayang i untuk you . i nk you berubah jadi yang lebih baik je yangg . i xnk you tmbh masalah you . i tau you orang yang penyabar . you berdepan dgn salah yang you buat . tp xpe . i akan cube jadi yang terbaik untuk you .okay ayang ? hope you xkn tipu i apa2 lgi lpas nie . jgn la outstation lme2 ayang . nty xde orang nk lyn kepala gila i :( im gonna miss you ayang . i xkesah orang nk ckp apa pon psl you or i . yang penting i tau sape you and you tau sape i . okay ? k laaa ayang . take care . hug kiss for you .

Sunday 22 April 2012

my last !

Bie . you totally make me love you .
i dont even care bout others as long as you with me . 
youre my perfect choice .
insyallah were getting enggage and married .
i dont want anyone else except you .
make all you said come true .
to let you go for second time is posibble .
before, i cant have you .
but now youre mine . 
totally mine .
ill be the best for you .
and ill try to be a good friends , fiance , wife , mummy , and nanny .
one phrase ive told you .
"awak mmg bukan yang pertama , tp awak akan jadi yang terakhir "
keep my words bie .
thanks to allah .
maybe its our fate .
to be together .
you want me to be yours as soon as posibble .
but for me . 
its to difficult cos i dont have enough money to getting married yet .
i know you can .
but not easily for me to take it . 
its our marriage .
it must me and you . 
thanks sayang .
you make me smile and be the one who realy mean to me .
you show me how much you love me . 
i do appreciate you cos you do the same . 
i do love you ayangggg (MUHAMMAD FARIZ ZULKEFLI)

Tuesday 27 March 2012


im inlove with one guys who realy attract me and make me love him . for the first month before his realy wonderful man . i do love him . just for one month before . now his change . maybe already have someone to be his soulmate and for sure its not me . so sad and make me feel crush . feel wanna ruin all my life . but its stupid thing ever . what i should do is look forward and move on with my new carrier . then i can do whatever i want . include my dreams to stay out of this country . tired for seeking . i am stronger .no one knows how strong i am . im awkward and curious person sometimes . watch out ! once you lose me . you will lose me for the rest of your life . once you throw away my love . for a billion years ill throw you away from my life . simple . goes around comes around . keep this word always with you . IM DONE !

Thursday 5 January 2012

love my boo .

happy new year guys ! hope everything move smoothly . and i found someone who make me in love . yahhh . his bad . naughty . have tatooo . but i love him . i dont even care who realy he is . deeply i know his a good man and remember where his came from . his an arabic person and crazy . always be himself . hope were get along and i try to be better . thats all . me love you  qi dippa !